Information Architecture Redesign

Selfapy is the first digital self-help solution on prescription against depression and anxiety.





Redesign how Selfapy Information Architecture in order to help users consume their course content best.


Gathering requirements, Ideation, Wireframing, UI design


2 Product Designers, 1 Product Owner, several engineers


iOS, Android, and Web


I started with analysing the status quo of the navigation of the app and collecting user feedbacks

"As a user, I want to…"

  • See course overview

    See tasks done

    Unlock new content

    Track Quality of Life

    Read content

    Rate call

  • See next tasks

    Write with therapist

    Book a call with therapist

    Save/bookmark content

    See messages

    Rate course

    See analytics

  • Rate call

    See next appointments

    See progress

    Write notes

    Set privacy settings

    Search messages

  • See couse/package details

    Start course

    Search content

    Fill in questionnaire

    Download content

Through user journey mapping and card sorting exercises, the user tasks were defined and clustered.

Start course

Start course

See course overview

See course overview

See tasks done

See tasks done

See next tasks

See next tasks

Unlock new content

Unlock new content

See course progress

See course progress

Rate course

Rate course

Track Quality of Life

Track Quality of Life

See analytics

See analytics

End course

End course

Read content

Read content

Watch/listen to content

Watch/listen to content

Fill in questionnaire

Fill in questionnaire

Fill in worksheet

Fill in worksheet

Search content

Search content

Save/bookmark content

Save/bookmark content

Write notes

Write notes

Go to next task/content

Go to next task/content

Write with therapist

Write with therapist

See messages

See messages

Search messages

Search messages

See call info (next call)

See call info (next call)

Book call with therapist

Book call with therapist

Cancel call

Cancel call

Rate call

Rate call

See/edit account info

See/edit account info

See course/package info

See course/package info

Set privacy settings

Set privacy settings

Start course

See course overview

See tasks done

See next tasks

Unlock new content

See course progress

Rate course

Track Quality of Life

See analytics

End course

Read content

Watch/listen to content

Fill in questionnaire

Fill in worksheet

Search content

Save/bookmark content

Write notes

Go to next task/content

Write with therapist

See messages

Search messages

See call info (next call)

Book call with therapist

Cancel call

Rate call

See/edit account info

See course/package info

Set privacy settings

From then I explored different possible navigation concepts by doing user interviews on lo-fi wireframes and iterating on them.

We reached our final concept with 4 main pages in the app

Course View ⛳️

  • Inform users about overall path

  • Indicate where they are/ what still comes

Content View 📖

  • Enable users to consume content (content elements)

  • Enable users to reflect on content (interactive elements)

Messaging View 💬

  • Asynchronous messaging with therapist

  • Assist user during course

Account View 👤

  • Show user/ course details

  • Settings

Course View ⛳️

  • Inform users about overall path

  • Indicate where they are/ what still comes

Course View ⛳️

  • Inform users about overall path

  • Indicate where they are/ what still comes

Content View 📖

  • Enable users to consume content (content elements)

  • Enable users to reflect on content (interactive elements)

Content View 📖

  • Enable users to consume content (content elements)

  • Enable users to reflect on content (interactive elements)

Messaging View 💬

  • Asynchronous messaging with therapist

  • Assist user during course

Messaging View 💬

  • Asynchronous messaging with therapist

  • Assist user during course

Account View 👤

  • Show user/ course details

  • Settings

Account View 👤

  • Show user/ course details

  • Settings

Final Concept

Final Concept

Course View


  • Inform users about overall path

  • Indicate where they are/ what still comes


  • See overall course progress

  • See chapters

  • See unlocked modules

  • See tasks that are done

  • See next upcoming task

  • Navigate to content/task view

Content View


  • Enable users to consume content (content elements)

  • Enable users to reflect on content (interactive elements)


  • See content (video, audio, text)

  • Do tasks (question. etc.)

  • Go to next task/ previous task

  • See task progress

  • Export/ download content

  • Search content

Messaging View


  • Asynchronous messaging with therapist

  • Assist user during course


  • See/ write message

  • See therapist profile

  • Book/cancel call

  • Search messages